Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring is in the air!

Easter is tomorrow, yikes! Ok, I have to get better scheduling time to blog but to my defense it has been a busy few weeks. Last week I was in a little consultant expo where I displayed my quilts and promoted my machine quilting services we didn't have much traffic but it was my first time participating in a show. It was a good experience I had two weeks to prepare flyers, quilt a raffle bag and ornaments for giveaways, finish quilts to sell, and design a sign with my logo out of fabric. Karen and Jan helped me tremendously last Saturday machine sewing on binding and Jan did a beautiful job with the little ornaments I made out of quilted batik fabric - she saved them by sewing on some embellishments, she's so creative!

The quilting studio is coming along but still messy and unorganized - I've been moving everything from upstairs so at least the upstairs is looking pretty good now.

I finished 4 quilts for a client, Carolyn the week before - she is a beginner quilter who designs as she goes and comes up with some really beautiful quilts - as soon as I load her quilt onto the rollers ideas pop into my mind and then I can't stop quilting until I finish. I will post her pictures and all my client quilts soon with a link thru Picasa (or Flickr) so just need to figure out how to put the link on my site so be sure to check back soon.

I worked on a t-shirt quilt today all free hand design using the same color varigated thread throughout the entire quilt -it was awesome. In the past I would match the thread to each t-shirt which is nice but this quilt inspired me to be more daring and with a great result...picture to be posted soon.

I've been quilting client quilts all day so I'm off for a long break to make Sweet & Sour Cabbage soup a special request from Wendy and Jon for Easter...they brought over two heads of cabbage...they must be really craving it! Jeannette & Lakin are making my famous cabbage rolls for their Easter dinner - I gave them a handwritten recipe over ten years ago when I made it for them back in Arizona. They called this afternoon to confirm a few details...Lakin of course is tweaking slightly but I approved!

If I don't get back on before tomorrow...I wish you all a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter! Hope to see you Thursday. And look at you, all on Flickr now! It's addictive, just wait.
