Sunday, January 31, 2010

Modern Quilting Group

I'm happy to say I have started up a modern quilting group and our first meeting is Feb. 3rd at 6:30pm at Quilt in Joy in Huntley. The group is comprised of 8 very talented members from the area (Cary, Marengo, Carpentersville, Barrington, Lake in the Hills, Huntley). I was amazed how quickly we were able to organize! I would like to expand to more interested modern quilters one day but are limited on meeting space at this time.

Our group shares a love for modern designs, fabrics and twists on traditional quilting. We will meet the first Wednesday of each month with an a second weekend sewing day to be determined.

Watch for future posts I will share our projects and success! I look forward to being inspired by such a group of wonderful quilters!


  1. I'm looking forward to it!! I may even have a project done for show and tell :)
    ~ Jennie

  2. I live in Mundelein, Il. and would be interested in joining your group when you have more space. Sounds fun!

  3. Hi Kathy - thanks for stopping by! I had no idea there would be so much interest! I will let you know as things change!
